Proper prescribing is one of the important criteria among the rational drug use. The study of prescribing practices\r\nof physicians needs to supervise, appraise and recommended if necessary about prescribing practices so as to make the\r\nrational prescribing and cost effective. The main aim of the study was to describe the prescribing practice of physicians in\r\nKadapa, Andhra Pradesh. A prospective study was carried out over 2 months, September - October 2013 in out-patient\r\ndepartments of private clinics and hospitals in Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Prescriptions were collected during the\r\nstudy period from the patients (508) attending community pharmacies near to the private clinics and hospitals taken for the\r\nstudy. Total 508 prescriptions were collected during the study period. The average number of drugs per prescription was\r\nfound to be 5. In our study, most of the drugs were prescribed in brand names (74.3%) while less number of drugs prescribed\r\nin generic names. It was observed that the usage of antibiotics was less in the present study as compared to similar studies\r\ndone in India. The findings of this study indicate that the average number of drugs per prescription was significantly higher\r\nthan recommended by world health organization. Irrational prescribing can be avoided by sticking to the ideal prescription\r\nwriting. This study indicates considerable scope for improving the prescribing practices in medical out-patient departments.